Sharon Conway has been forming and maintaining corporate entities since she was licensed in 1989. Ms. Conway has several decades of experience forming Texas corporations (including Subchapter S corporations), limited liability companies, and limited partnerships, as well as assisting with the formation of entities or ventures with entities in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, and Nigeria in coordination with local counsel in those countries. While forming a corporation or other type of business entity may seem to be a simple process, corporate executives and owners should be aware that many rules and regulations exist that affect how the entity should be governed. Cumulative voting, preemptive voting rights, common and preferred stock, buy-sell agreements or provisions, and other matters can be vital to the manner in which the entity is run, and can affect the future growth and “saleability” of the entity.
Ensuring proper entity formation and maintaining proper entity records may seem to be minor details, but several years from now when that large company is seeking to buy your firm and the potential buyer starts conducting its due diligence, you certainly want your potential buyer to know that you properly maintained your entity’s records. The state of your company’s governance records can be a reflection on management and can make or break a major deal. Faulty entity records can also cost you dearly when you lose that financing package. Sharon Conway can get you started on the right track and keep you going, or she can simply put your existing entity records in order to help ensure that your entity projects a professional image.
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